Art Is Fluid

Unique Inspired Fluid Art Creations

Art Is Fluid

Unique Inspired Fluid Art Creations

Art Is Fluid

Unique Inspired Fluid Art Creations

Art Is Fluid

Unique Inspired Fluid Art Creations

Art Is Fluid

Unique Inspired Fluid Art Creations

Bring color and creativity to your space.

Using a variety of techniques, colors, and materials I create unique art pieces for your home or business. Each piece is a one of a kind creation, a journey into chaos and color.

Feel free to explore the site, check out the gallery or blog.

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Nebula Rising

Red Sea

Super Nova

Our Blog

Check out the latest happenings, ramblings, and events from Art Is Fluid.

2019 Lansing ARTpath installation “CLASH”

2019 Lansing ARTpath installation “CLASH”

Stop on down to the Lansing, Michigan River Trail all summer long to check out my latest creation "CLASH"!!! CLASH is a series of 6 - 4'X8' abstract acrylic paintings. My largest creation yet! My first outdoor install exploration was definitely a challenge. 70 hours...

Art Is Fluid is the work of Lansing, Michigan based artist Shawn Dyer